2014年11月5日 星期三




        如果大家對國中生物課還有一點印象的話,應該記得曾經幫一群奇怪的甲蟲進行分類,依照體型、觸角形態、斑點數量、腳毛有無…等特徵,做出一份分類檢索表(identification key)。實際上,這種分類檢索表不僅能應用在動物分類,在植物分類學也被廣泛地運用,可說是生物領域非常重要的一門學問。




Board GameManymals - advanced version

Course of the game:

1. 第一回合,由最年長的玩家先做莊家,將牌堆洗牌之後,抽出比現場所有玩家數量再多三張的動物卡,並以正面朝上的方式,平均散布於桌面出示給所有玩家看見,玩家觀察時不可動手將卡片翻到背面。

1.      First round, the oldest player (or the teacher of biology) is the banker hosting this round. After shuffling all of the animal cards, the banker draws out the cards with “the number of people +3”, and shows them on the table with the animal side up. All players can observe the cards without turning any one of the cards on its back side.

2. 等所有玩家看完桌面上的卡片後,請莊家將桌面上散布的卡片收回並洗牌。

2.      After all players finish their observation, the banker collects the cards and shuffles them.

 3. 莊家可以觀察收回的動物卡背面的特徵說明,從中選擇一張動物卡作為本回合的目標卡,此目標卡不能讓莊家之外的其他玩家知道。選牌過程中,莊家可要求其他玩家轉身或閉眼以避免偷看的作弊行為。莊家在遊戲中也不可做出任何行為暗示自己所挑選的是哪張動物卡。

3.      The banker can observe the back side of these cards, and then choose one of the cards as the target card in this round. The target card should not be known by other players. Therefore, when choosing the target card, the banker is able to ask other players to close their eyes or turn around to avoid cheat. The banker is prohibited from hinting which one is the target card by any way.

4. 莊家選擇完本回合的目標卡之後,須將目標卡的動物名稱寫在答案紙上,並將答案紙覆蓋於桌邊,以便於本回合結束時,證明莊家最後揭曉的目標卡答案是否作弊及變更。

4.      After choosing the target card, the banker has to write the animal’s name of the target card on a piece of paper, and then turns the paper over on the table. In the end of this round, it will be used to prove whether the banker cheated and changed the target card.

5. 請莊家將本回合抽取的動物卡,再次正面朝上平均散布於桌面上,然後其他玩家即可轉身來或睜眼。

5.      The banker spreads out the cards in the middle of the table with the animal side up again. Meanwhile other players are able to open their eyes or turn around.

 6. 從莊家隔壁的玩家開始,可依順時鐘或逆時鐘方向輪流詢問莊家一個問題,以了解莊家所選擇的目標卡具有的動物特徵。問題限定只能與本遊戲提供的各項動物特徵有關,並以能簡短回答的是非題或簡答題為主。玩家可由莊家的回答,思考並歸納本回合的目標卡可能是哪一張,以做為答題時的參考依據。

6.      Begin with the player next to the banker, each player asks the banker a question one after another in order to know the characteristics of the target animal card. The question must be related to the characteristics which are offered by this game and shown on the back side of the animal card. It is far better to ask yes-no question or short answer question. According to the answer from the banker, the players may infer which one is the target card.

7. 回答玩家的問題時,若莊家對目標卡的動物特徵認識不足,而無法直接回答的話,則必須拿取桌面上每一張動物卡,並逐一檢視其背面的動物特徵,不可只單獨檢視目標卡而導致洩漏答案。檢視過程,不可讓其他玩家看到動物卡背面的內容,並且儘可能避免不同卡片檢視時間的差異而造成暗示。此外,請莊家務必確定自己給予其他玩家的回答是正確無誤的。

7.      The banker has to answer the player’s question correctly. If the banker is too unsure to answer, the banker must pick up all of the cards on the table and check the characteristics on back side. The banker should not observe only the target card or offer any hints for cheat; besides, don’t let other players peep the back side of card.

 8. 當第一位發問的玩家與莊家結束問答,便可進入答題階段。答題順序以發問者為優先,然後依序為隔壁的下一位玩家。每一回合當中,每個玩家只擁有一次答題機會,因此若該輪問答無法提供充足的線索,玩家也可選擇不回答以保留答題機會。

8.      When the first player finishes the Q&A, it’s time to guess the target card. In a round, each player has only one opportunity to guess the target card. The first player who asks banker a question has priority to answer the target card, and the player next to the first player is the second to guess orderly. However, the player can decide to pass and save the opportunity if the clue is insufficient from the Q&A.

 9. 當有玩家在答題階段選擇了錯誤的動物卡作為答案,即成為本回合的輸家,不可再作答與詢問莊家問題。錯誤的動物卡可拿到桌邊放置,以免混淆未作答的玩家再次選到此卡。

9.      The player choosing the wrong card becomes the loser in this round. The loser is unable to do the Q&A and answer the target card again. The wrong card can be put aside lest other players choose this card again.

10. 若第一次發問與回答結束,並未有玩家回答出正確答案,則輪到隔壁的下一位玩家發問。第二次問答結束後的答題階段,則由此輪發問者取得回答優先權,相對的,前一輪發問者則成為最後答題者。

10.  If all players do not answer the target card correctly after the first Q&A, then it’s turn for the second player next to the first player to do Q&A and have priority to answer the target card. Oppositely, the first player finishing the Q&A becomes the final one to answer the target card.

11. 遊戲回合進行直到有玩家在答題階段率先回答出目標卡的正確答案,即為該回合的贏家。但若所有玩家在答題階段都回答出錯誤的答案,則該回合的贏家為莊家所有。

11.  There are two conditions that the round is end: (1) one of the players answers the target card correctly, so this player is the winner; (2) all players answer the target card incorrectly, and consequently the banker is the winner.

12. 新的遊戲回合,改由前一位莊家的隔壁玩家擔任新的莊家,將上回合的動物卡捨棄,並從牌堆抽取新的動物卡開始新回合。遊戲的回合數可自行決定,獲得最多次贏家的玩家即為本遊戲的冠軍。

12.  New round, the player next to the former banker is the new banker. Removing the used animal card, the banker draws out the new animal cards and starts the round. The number of round in this game can depends on the length of time. The player winning the most rounds is the champion.


1. 莊家對於目標動物卡的選擇

2. 玩家在問答階段可靈活運用剖半法或單挑法

3. 遊戲開始時抽到的動物卡間的異同程度,決定了這回合的戰略

4. 問答順序與答題的優先順序是戰術致勝關鍵,但也別小看運氣

5. 觀察莊家的一舉一動,都是一種心理戰術






